The Catcher in the Rye: Mental Health Services and Community Relations for children


The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger, was required reading for the tenth grade English class my. I remembered the story of the struggle adolescence, desire for independence, and a reluctance to let go of youth. My son is now the same age as I was when I read the book and we are living through his own elbow for independence, which sparked my interest to give the story a second reading. Before I started, I wonder what my take on the book would be at this point in life have survived adolescence and received training and experience in the development of children as well as having teenagers in the house. The reading underscored the unresolved grief, family dysfunction, mental illness, and lack of social connectedness of the main character, Holden Caulfield, and how these difficulties increase issues experienced during a typical developmental process. As the country focuses more gun control laws in the wake of Sandy Hook, and as we try to recover from the Boston Marathon bombing, The Catcher in the Rye reminds us of the importance of developing meaningful and genuine relationships with our children and the need to address mental their issues health.

The Catcher in the Rye begins the flashback story of Holden Caulfield’s experience led to his nervous breakdown before Christmas. Holden narrates the course of inpatient psychological treatment on the west coast. The events begin at Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania, where Holden has been fired because of poor academic performance and do in New York that Holden tries to return home. During the journey, Holden tries to make connections to a number of people, however, did not he miserable because social ineptitude of his lack of appropriate treatment for it can possibly be bipolar disorder, and inability to believe that other people are able to be authentic. Holden finally makes it home and connect to his younger sister. By the time he uncontrolled to the extent that, even though he is no longer experiencing suicidal ideation, he feels disconnected, misunderstood and alone. Holden decides he is going to go away, to escape from society and rejection, loneliness and pain that he feels. However, Holden makes one last trip to see his sister Phoebe before he disappears. Phoebe concern, anger and innocence give Holden a connection that he is looking for; It is both peer and dependent on him. By Phoebe, Holden is able to cling to childhood and do a set of jumping to young adulthood and independence.

One theme I was more attuned to these readings were unspoken interference Caulfield family. Holden often likens himself to a younger, dead brother, which he describes as a brilliant and athletic, as well as his older brother, who has become a successful writer. It is proposed that Holden is challenging child and somewhat disappointing to his parents as he has been unable to live up to their expectations. He has been expelled from at least four preparatory school because of poor academic performance, he has difficulty social connection with others, and he has often mood swings. It is possible that parents Holden was drained from watching their youngest son struggle with leukemia that left them with little strength to effectively deal with grief Holden and potential disability. In the eyes of Holden is, they seem to have emotional and physical sold by him. He has little or no emotional family support, and it seems to be very little interaction with them. Holden after drove to navigate this tumultuous time in their lives without the support, understanding and treatment. His efforts to reach out and communicate, including failing out of school and get in fights, do not understand the cries for help but are considered personal shortcomings.

Holden most people perceive as being phony, superficial, and hyper critical. This may in part be due to social awkwardness of his lack of maturity, and the feeling of being abandoned by their parents. He is constantly let down by everyone he reaches out for help because they either do not live up to what Holden has built up in his mind, or they try to take advantage of it. The Holden comes to believe that all are not phony or is unable to meet certain expectations of him. In addition, Holden experience clearly manic moments during the scene, which are often followed by depression to the point where he is to express a few thoughts of suicide. It seems that the lack of communication with their parents, as unresolved grief and guilt over the death of his brother, and the inability to effectively and appropriate to connect with others in lead Holden being unable to communicate with others in nothing but a superficial level. The exception to this is Phoebe. her reluctance to let his brother leave it provides Holden with the strength to go home and ask for help. However, in the end, Holden continued to suffer from lack of love and feelings of loneliness. He says, “Do not ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing all.” At this point, Holden continued to find it difficult to have a genuine, meaningful relationships to believe that when you open up to people they will turn away from you to keep in touch on a superficial level. Holden continues to be plagued by this emotional void and while there is hunger for social connectedness, he will continue to experience emptiness and rejection of his quirkiness.

For me, read Catcher in the Rye in high school was focused on the struggle for independence and war Holden is hypocrisy. In this lecture, I was able to get a better understanding of the tragedy that occurs as a result of parents Holden’s being unable to give him moral support he needs to overcome his brother’s death and deal with his mental health needs. Holden repeated failure to socially connect and develop meaningful relationships with anyone other than his sister and lack of treatment for mental health issues of his made me think of the last tragedies in Colorado, Sandy Hook, and Boston. It reinforced the need to take mental health needs and service seriously; just because these conditions are unseen does not mean they are not debilitating. Feeling loved and connected with others reduces stress, stigma and isolation that are associated with these conditions. It made me wonder whether this disaster could have been prevented if the people involved had received appropriate treatment and therapy. They may have found connected and matched, and this tragedy may have been avoided. The message being accepted and loved by the Catcher in the Rye continues to be relevant to young people today as we all strive for confirmation.


Source by David Pino

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